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Si votre souris tactile de PC ne fonctionne plus, voici trois solutions

Hand on laptop touchpad

Image: Dominik Tomaszewski / Foundry


Marie-Laure tourne à plein régime pour vous guider dans le monde de la tech’, via des tests, des guides d’achat et des tutos (Windows, Android, VPN, audio, domotique…), son sujet de prédilection est la sécurité en ligne.


Article information

Author: Charles Strickland

Last Updated: 1702785482

Views: 733

Rating: 4.8 / 5 (92 voted)

Reviews: 80% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Charles Strickland

Birthday: 1963-10-29

Address: 9965 Taylor Freeway, Abbottville, AZ 91043

Phone: +3831096653925343

Job: Nurse

Hobby: Rowing, Amateur Radio, Hiking, Backpacking, Coin Collecting, Table Tennis, Raspberry Pi

Introduction: My name is Charles Strickland, I am a dazzling, Precious, Colorful, resolute, unwavering, vivid, courageous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.