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CEOWORLD magazine, "The Richest People in Germany (December 13, 2023),"

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    As of December 13, 2023, Dieter Schwarz was the wealthiest person in Germany, with an estimated net worth of 48.0 billion U.S. dollars, followed by Klaus-Michael Kuehne (No. 2, $30.5 billion), Reinhold Wuerth  (No. 3, $28.2 billion); and Stefan Quandt (No. 4, $25.0 billion).

    Susanne Klatten is the fifth-richest person in Germany, with a whopping $24.0 billion. Theo Albrecht Jr ranked 6th with a personal wealth of $18.0 billion, followed by Karl Albrecht Jr. with $17.1 billion. Beate Heister is placed 8th with a net worth of $17.1 billion. Andreas Von Bechtolsheim ($12.7 billion) occupied the 9th position among the top 10 wealthiest people in Germany.


    1. Dieter Schwarz: $48.0 billion
    2. Klaus-Michael Kuehne: $30.5 billion
    3. Reinhold Wuerth & family: 28.2 billion
    4. Stefan Quandt: $25.0 billion
    5. Susanne Klatten: $24.0 billion
    6. Theo Albrecht Jr. & family: $18.0 billion
    7. Karl Albrecht Jr. & family: $17.1 billion
    8. Beate Heister: $17.1 billion
    9. Andreas Von Bechtolsheim & family:  $12.7 billion
    10. Hasso Plattner & family: $10.2 billion
    11. Thomas Struengmann & family: $9.9 billion
    12. Andreas Struengmann & family: $9.9 billion
    13. Friedhelm Loh: $9.7 billion
    14. Georg Schaeffler: $9.3 billion
    15. Alexander Otto: $9.1 billion
    16. Michael Otto: $8.8 billion
    17. Francine Von Finck & family: $8.4 billion
    18. Michael Herz: $7.2 billion
    19. Wolfgang Herz: $7.2 billion
    20. Ludwig Merckle: $6.5 billion
    21. Nadia Thiele: $6.0 billion
    22. Wolfgang Merguerre & family: $5.6 billion
    23. Wolfgang Reimann: $5.4 billion
    24. Matthias Reimann-Andrsen: $5.4 billion
    25. Stefan Reimann-Andrsen: $5.4 billion

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    Name: Alexandra Lloyd

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