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According to Dexerto, how much is a rose worth on TikTok?

Kawter Abed

The rose is just one of the many virtual gifts people can send to their favorite creators on TikTok to support them — here’s everything to know about how much a rose gift is worth.

TikTok continues to be one of the most popular social media apps out there, as more and more people flock to the platform every day to join in with the latest trends.

The short-form video app has its own live-streaming feature, allowing users who meet certain requirements to go live from their accounts and interact with their followers in real time. Viewers can comment on the stream, and they are also able to donate using virtual gifts to support the creator.

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These gifts are either stickers or AR effects, and they can be bought with TikTok coins, which can be purchased through the in-app store using real-world money.

The rose is one of the most common gifts people send during TikTok Live streams, with each gift costing a different amount of TikTok coins. Here’s how much the rose is worth.

How much is a rose on TikTok?

TikTok logo on a dark backgroundUnsplash: Alexander Shatov

On TikTok, the rose gift costs 1 coin, which equates to about 1.4 US cents.

The rose is one of the cheapest gifts you can send on TikTok Live. Other 1-coin gifts include the TikTok logo, Wishing Bottle, and Ice Cream Cone. 

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TikTok gifts range in size, with one of the most expensive ones, the lion, being worth about $400 dollars, and one of the most popular ones, the galaxy, being worth $13 – $15.

If you want to donate a gift to a creator, you’ll need to first purchase TikTok coins.

To do this, go to your profile, click on the three lines, then go to ‘Settings and privacy.’ Then, click on the ‘Balance’ tab, and tap ‘Recharge’ next to your balance.


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If you want to learn more about how to use TikTok, you can check out our other guides here:

How to duet on TikTok | How to Stitch on TikTok | How to go live on TikTok | How to find contacts on TikTok | How to use TikTok Stories | Best time to post on TikTok for more views and likes


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Name: Peter Johnson

Birthday: 1958-02-10

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Introduction: My name is Peter Johnson, I am a transparent, daring, Open, skilled, priceless, resolved, receptive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.